Former Limestone Quarry. Lilydale, VIC

Following the commencement of limestone quarrying operations in 1878, the 162-hectare former Lilydale Quarry contributed significantly to the growth and prosperity of the Lilydale community, and the broader Yarra Valley region.
With the Lilydale community establishing itself around the once rural site over a 138 year period, the former quarry became centrally located within the Lilydale township, adjoining vibrant retail and commercial precincts, Box Hill Institutes ‘Lilydale Lakeside Campus’, established residential neighbourhoods and popular recreational areas.
Having exhausted reserves of accessible limestone deposits, Sibelco sought to transition the site from its historical industrial use to a vibrant and integrated residential community with regionally focused community assets and facilities. In recognition of this, the site has been identified within the Victorian State Government's metropolitan planning strategy Plan Melbourne as a strategic opportunity for urban renewal within Melbourne's established eastern suburbs.
As development manager, [b1] management group worked closely with Sibelco operations and management, a specialist consultant team, the local community, Yarra Ranges Shire Council and various stakeholders to develop the sites master plan and secure the necessary approvals required to realise the master plans vision.
In parallel with master planning and rezoning, [b1] management group also worked closely with a team of marketing and transaction specialists to sell the englobo land parcel for private sector redevelopment. This task included the identification of target markets, detailed divestment option analysis and assessment, management of a comprehensive sales and marketing campaign, and completion of contract negotiations with the successful purchaser.
A joint venture consortium led by Intrapac Property are now progressing delivery of the newly branded Kinley residential estate.
Client: Sibelco Australia
Services: Property Advisory, Development Management & Divestment