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Magnesia Haulage Agreements. Parkhurst, QLD

Client:                    QMAG (Queensland Magnesia)

Services:               Project Management




Queensland Magnesia (QMAG) extract magnesite at the Kunwarara and Yaamba deposits, located approximately 65km north of Rockhampton, QLD.


In excess of 800,000 tonnes of graded magnesite is transported each year via the Bruce Hwy for downstream processing at the Parkhurst production facility, located on the outskirts of Rockhampton. The processed material is then dispatched to national and international markets.

On behalf of QMAG, [b1] management group liaised with the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Rockhampton Regional Council, and Livingstone Shire Council to finalise new haulage compensation agreements. Initially completed in 2021 and expanded upon in 2024, these new agreements will permit QMAG's continued haulage activities and processing operations for the next decade.

This task included the preparation of impact assessments, negotiation of formal agreements, and stakeholder engagement with the relevant road authorities to finalise and execute the new agreements.



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