Limestone Quarry. Galong, NSW

Since acquiring the Galong Limestone Quarry in 2012 Sibelco increased production capacity and dispatch of milled limestone and burnt lime products from 40,000 tonnes per annum in 2012, to approximately 320,000 tonnes per annum in 2018.
In addition to the local supply of milled limestone and aggregate products, the Galong Quarry supplies approximately 25% of NSW's agricultural demand for lime based fertiliser to combat soil acidity, a major threat to the productivity and sustainability of the NSW agricultural industry.
In response to strong and continued growth for Aglime, Sibelco sought authority approval to increase the dispatch of lime and limestone products to 430,000 tonnes per annum.
As project manager, [b1] management group worked closely with Sibelco operations and management, a specialist consultant team, the local community, Hilltops Council and various stakeholders to conduct extensive community consultation and stakeholder engagement, progress preparation and assessment of an amendment to the development consent, and ultimately secure Council approval to increase dispatch limits via a more eqitable network of haulage routes.
The approval granted in March 2019 will now permit increased dispatch to meet customer demand, support local agriculture and industry, increase local employment opportunities, and facilitate continued investment in local community projects and events.
Client: Sibelco Australia
Services: Project Management